바이오연료 지질 및 카로티노이드 색소 생산을 위한 국내 내열성 미세조류 스크리닝

© 2025 by the New & Renewable Energy
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Thermotolerant microalgal strains have significant potential for industrial applications under heat-stress conditions. In this study, microalgal samples were collected from Gwangju Stream, Korea, and cultured photosynthetically at 40°C to screen for high growth and lipid productivity. Among the 12 candidates identified, Chlorella sp. KR-11 (GJ-1) exhibited the highest biomass production (1.08 g/L) and lipid content (25.7 g/100 g cell). Although biomass, lipid, and carotenoid contents were marginally reduced at 40°C compared to those at 30°C, notable metabolic adaptations were observed. Heat-stress induces a shift in fatty acid composition, which is characterized by an increase in saturated fatty acids and a decrease in unsaturated fatty acids. Similarly, carotenoid synthesis was altered, with reduced lutein and neoxanthin levels but increased β-carotene and zeaxanthin concentrations. These findings demonstrate the metabolic flexibility and thermotolerance of GJ-1 and highlight its potential for biofuel production and high-value pigment synthesis at elevated temperatures.