The Korean Society For New And Renewable Energy
[ Article ]
New & Renewable Energy - , pp.24-30
ISSN: 1738-3935 (Print) 2713-9999 (Online)
Online publication date 17 Feb 2025
Received 21 Nov 2024 Revised 27 Dec 2024 Accepted 10 Jan 2025

알카라인 수전해 시스템 대상 온도와 압력 동시 제어 조건의 수소 생산 특성 평가

이기정1) ; 최현록2) ; 조경일3) ; 이용운4), *
Evaluation of Hydrogen Production Characteristics under Simultaneous Temperature and Pressure Control Conditions in Alkaline Water Electrolysis System
Kijeong Lee1) ; Hyeonrok Choi2) ; Kyungil Cho3) ; Yongwoon Lee4), *
1) Researcher, Institute of Sustainable Development Technology, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology and B.S in Department of Chemical Engineering, Konkuk University
2)Researcher, Institute of Sustainable Development Technology, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology and Ph.D course in School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
3)Post Doctor researcher, Institute of Sustainable Development Technology, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
4)Principal Researcher, Institute of Sustainable Development Technology, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology

Correspondence to: * Tel: +82-41-589-8457 Fax: +82-82-41-589-8323

© 2025 by the New & Renewable Energy
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The alkaline water electrolysis (AWE) system must accommodate load variations to effectively manage the intermittency of renewable energy sources. This study divides the system into two components: the AWE stack and the balance of plant (BOP). It compares the operational characteristics of the system under different temperature and pressure conditions during load variation. The AWE system was initially focused on pressure control, as it is easier to manage, followed by temperature control. The stack’s performance was analyzed using C++ based numerical simulations, and the BOP system was evaluated through Aspen+ based process analysis. Key performance indicators for the stack included cell voltage, current density, Faraday efficiency, and hydrogen production across a temperature range of 60–85°C and pressure range of 1–30 bar under load conditions of 10%–90%. Results revealed that as the pressure decreased and temperature increased, both the current density and hydrogen production improved. Under low-load conditions, hydrogen production was found to be more sensitive to changes in pressure and temperature; this sensitivity diminished at higher loads. Furthermore, temperature control significantly influenced stack performance more than pressure control. Notably, the BOP system’s power consumption constituted 23% of the stack’s input power at a 10% load, decreasing to 9.2% at a 90% load.


Alkaline water electrolysis, Load variation, Hydrogen production, Pressure and temperature control, Stack and BOP


알카라인수전해, 부하 변동, 수소 생산, 압력과 온도제어, 스택과 보조시스템