1 GW급 부유식 해상풍력발전단지의 배치 최적화에 관한 연구
© 2025 by the New & Renewable Energy
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This study provides a foundation for the conceptual design and performance analysis of a large-scale centralized offshore green hydrogen production and storage platform. It focuses on optimizing the layout of a 1 GW-class floating offshore wind farm to maximize power generation while minimizing costs. To achieve this objective, a site near the Donghae gas plant in the East Sea was selected as a candidate location for the floating offshore wind farm. Wind resource analysis was conducted using MERRA-2 reanalysis data provided by NASA. The Jensen wake model was applied, and an optimization objective function was developed that considered both the wind occurrence frequencies by direction and in-field cable costs of the farm. Continuous Ant Colony Optimization was performed. Consequently, the power generation estimates were calculated by statistically considering the actual wind occurrence frequencies at the farm sites, ensuring realistic power production results.